The blockbuster documentary “Daniel vs Ekweremadu,” produced by Chude Jideonwo Presents, has unveiled several startling revelations, including an ongoing investigation by the London Metropolitan Police linked to the case of former Nigerian Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu.

Ekweremadu was sentenced to 10 years in a British prison last year for human trafficking.The first part of the two-part docu-series, written and directed by award-winning filmmaker and TV host Chude Jideonwo, was released on Friday, 23 August. Among the revelations is a statement from Alexandra Meek, Senior Communication Manager for the MET Police, which was shared in the documentary. In an email to the producers, Meek disclosed that on 8 November 2022, detectives from the MET’s Specialist Crime unit arrested a woman in her 50s on suspicion of conspiracy to exploit individuals for organ harvesting. The woman has since been released under investigation, and inquiries are ongoing. This ongoing investigation was cited as the reason the police could not participate in the documentary at this time.

“Daniel,” a pseudonym used by journalists and adopted by the documentary filmmakers, refers to the victim-survivor in the case that led to Ekweremadu’s historic conviction under the UK’s Modern Slavery Law. Ekweremadu, along with his wife, Beatrice, and a doctor-friend, Obinna Obeta, became the first individuals sentenced under this law. The real identity of “Daniel” remains undisclosed, following a directive from the judge presiding over the case.

“Daniel vs Ekweremadu” chronicles Ekweremadu’s dramatic fall from his position as Deputy Senate President in Nigeria to his imprisonment in the UK for organ harvesting. Filmed in both Nigeria and the United Kingdom, the series features exclusive interviews with British prosecutors, police, and the victim-survivor’s family. This first-of-its-kind thriller-style documentary from a West African independent studio is available exclusively on the streaming platform

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