The United Action Front of Civil Society has warned that no threats or tactics from the Nigerian government will deter the planned nationwide demonstrations.

As the protests gain momentum, the group emphasized the importance of allowing Nigerians to exercise their democratic rights without fear of intimidation.

The United Action Front of Civil Society stated that no amount of threats and gimmicks from government agents would stop the protests.

Olawale Okunniyi, Head of the Coordinating Secretariat, said in a press release on Monday that the only way to prevent the protests, scheduled to begin on August 1, is for the Bola Tinubu government to immediately and sincerely address the citizens’ demands.

The statement reads: “Key among the citizens’ demands is the urgent reversal of the fuel price from N1000 per litre, where it is unofficially sold today, to the pre-January 2023 price of N167 per litre.

“Another demand is the significant reduction of government spending and the high cost of governance in Nigeria, which requires cutting the enormous emoluments and allowances of all elected officials by fifty percent.

“For democracy to thrive in Nigeria, for elections to be credible, and for the country to be politically stable and prosperous, citizens have repeatedly called for democratic reforms of the Nigerian constitution. This will allow the diverse peoples of Nigeria to take ownership of their constitution, democracy, and country, as seen in other advanced democracies.”

The statement emphasized that the most fundamental issue is correcting the “warped and undemocratically imposed constitution” created by the military under decree 24 of 1999, which is described as “largely corruptive and divisive” and can only be remedied through a democratic process.

“In light of the organized civil society’s intervention, the government is responsible for addressing the crucial concerns and interests of Nigerians, which are critical to the planned nationwide protests and any unintended consequences that may arise.”

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Nnamdi Uche
Nnamdi Uche
2 months ago

Who else would be hold responsible?
They are the leaders of the establishment! Yes i called it Establishment and not Governance