As concerned citizens in Benue State, we are compelled to speak out in unwavering support of Senator George Akume, the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), in the face of the recent unfortunate attacks on his character. These attacks, which have gained notoriety in the media, are not only unwarranted but also deeply condemnable. They represent a significant challenge to the unity and progress of our beloved state.

Our political landscape, like any other, is often marked by differing opinions and approaches to governance. However, it is essential that we approach these differences with respect and civility. In recent times, there have been allegations against Senator Akume that he is seeking to wield undue influence over the affairs of Benue State. These allegations, which have emanated from certain quarters, have stirred a divisive and disheartening atmosphere in our state.

We as a Forum, along with fellow stakeholders and concerned citizens, believe that the attacks on Senator Akume are not only misplaced but also detrimental to the greater good of Benue State. We know Senator Akume as a distinguished leader who has diligently served our state and our nation. His remarkable achievements, both in education and politics, bear testament to his unwavering dedication to the betterment of our society. His international connections, cultivated through years of productive service, have benefited Benue State and Nigeria at large.

The allegations that Senator Akume aims to sow discord between President Bola Tinubu and himself, especially concerning the presidency, are not only unfounded but also reckless. They serve only to undermine our unity and tarnish the reputation of an illustrious son of Benue State. Senator Akume’s dedication to the people and his commitment to public service have always been beyond reproach.

The Benue Political Stakeholders, representing a cross-section of respected elder statesmen, have rightly called on those behind these attacks to cease their actions. The time has come for us to focus on governance and work collaboratively to address the pressing challenges facing our state. We must remember that a divided house cannot stand.

We wholeheartedly stand with Senator Akume in his national assignments, as we believe that he will continue to serve meritoriously and contribute to the betterment of our society. We urge all traditional institutions, the Benue State government, spiritual leaders, and fellow stakeholders across political lines to unite against these divisive and unwarranted attacks.

In conclusion, our great state of Benue deserves leaders who can guide us towards unity, progress, and prosperity. It is our sincere hope that we can move forward in the spirit of unity, leaving behind divisive actions and focusing on the common good. Together, we can build a stronger, more united, and more prosperous Benue State. Let us stand together in support of Senator George Akume and the values he represents.



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