Leadership is simply coordinating a process not making slaves of people. Africa, is backward because our perceptions of leadership springs from a traditional system of administration that seeks to be deified.

We aspire for leadership positions not because we have a blueprint that entrenches development but for the encomiums and accolades we hope to enjoy. Honorable, your excellency sir, your royal highness, Daddy, Father. Hmmm.

Leaders in Africa across all fields; be it politics, the economy and religion desires to be worshipped, this unparalleled attentions they seek is the major blockage that blinds them away from the true pictures of meaningful and impactful leadership.

The greatest among you should become servants. Leadership is about service not carrying faces like unripe plantains seeking who to manifest your witchcraft on. Yes you heard me well. Leadership in Africa has condescended to the abyss of pure witchcraft that seeks to figure out the unfaithful and make scapegoats out of them.

The relationship between the leader and the led in the continents of Africa is sycophantic in nature. You must bow and say yes sir or be dealt with. What other definition of witchcraft can be more elaborate than the descriptions above. Witchcraft is about manipulation and unsolicited dominance through threats and unleashing of mayhems.

This is clearly evident within the components of governance e.g. ministries and government agencies. Position in Africa is interpreted as elevating you to the status of a mini god. You must be the only one sitting on the chair and everybody must be seated on the floor. Leadership in Africa automatically anoints you with oil infallibility, you become all-knowing and by virtue of the chair you occupy a dictator. How can we develop under such primitivity.

Stop speaking English when you should be acting. The mark of true leadership is humility and unalloyed servanthood that seeks the interest of all above personal interest.

Leadership is not about the convoys and the accolades showered on you, leadership is seeking to improve and leaving a footprint to be remembered across ages. Leadership is not about the protocols and the seemly impossible criteria of having access to you. Remember you are truly a servant of the people because they appointed you and sustain you through their collective contributions (tax payer money).

Good morning Nigerians.

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